Corporate Games

Giggles and Games

Game Hire for Corporate Events.

We Take care of Your People

Here at Giggles and Games Corporate, we understand perfectly that just a few well placed and well liked games can create energy, conversation and above all giggles and laughter that can truly benefit the outcomes that you are trying to achieve with your event.

This works simply and effectively because childhood connections with the games directly bring about greater energy, awareness, interaction, motivation and retention of information.

Games cannot only bring cohesion and engagement to a group but they also facilitate their creativity, engagement and overall energy.


We treat everyone as our own, dedicating ourselves wholeheartedly to your success.


Stay involved - ‘We Take Care of Your Teams’

We are the leaders in a new, exciting and innovative way of energising, motivating and engaging your team. Enhancing your training day, event or workshop is our speciality. Creating the perfect atmosphere of positive thinking and mindfulness, leaving delegates open to learning by laughter and with connections to childhood memories.

Team Building Games

Bring your teams together by enhancing motivation, increasing confidence and creating team harmony.

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Corporate Family Days

Choose all your favourite games to entertain your people and theirs.

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